Monday, September 1, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Leven Thumps and the Eyes of The Want


Series Title: 3rd book in The Leven Thumps series

Author: Obert Skye

Illustrator: Obert Skye

Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Action and Adventure.

Suggested age range: 11-14 years, Reading level: Slightly intense

If you liked this book, try; Percy Jackson series, The Land of Stories, Lawless, and the rest if the Leven Thumps series

This book is a captivating tale about a boy named Leven thumps and his journey to and in a great world called Foo, where hopes and dreams rule. In the 3rd book of his adventures, Leven must journey to the island of Lith, to warn the Want of a secret that has come to pass. This griping book will have you on the end of your seats, cliffs, stools, or couch, wherever you can enjoy the suspense of this book. Will Leven reach The Want in time, or will all of Foo perish in the clutches of this evil secret?

My favorite part is when Winter and Geth are trapped in the cage on Lith and they are trying to break free.  I also really enjoy when the souls of a Baadyn, and Winter gets to see the wonders of the underwaters for herself.

My highlight is Clover Ernest. Clover tries so hard to be a good and normal Sycophant, but just ends up, in his opinion, doing the worst. But, in my opinion, he is selling himself short. (No pun intended!)

I liked this book because it has loads of action, adventure and suspense. I love the books that can drag you in.

I rate it 10 out of 10 

WRITTEN BY: AN, August 30, 2014.