Monday, September 1, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Wishing Spell

Series: The Land Of Stories

Author: Chris Colfer

Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Adventure.

Suggested age range: 10- 12, Reading level: slightly longer novel, but not extremely complex.

If you liked this book, try; The Percy Jackson series, The Stoneheart Trilogy, The Heroes Of Olympus and the rest of the Land Of Stories series

This is a wonderful book about twins Alex and Connor Baily’s adventure and how one day their lives will change forever when their grandma stops by for a surprise visit to their house and drops of their family storybook of fairytale heroes, princess, fairies, mermaids, trolls, wolves, and worst of all, evil creatures. Will Alex and Conner’s life ever be the same? Who is the mysterious Prince Charlie? Join them in their struggle to get back to their home and answer their own questions. My favorite part is when they meet Froggy for the first time. I love the connection that they make trough Alex’s books. I find it funny that he lives in a hole underground, whereas most frogs live near the water, although, to be taken in to consideration, he isn’t just a frog… My highlight is Cinderella. I love how she was portrayed in this book, (more like a tom-boy then a girly-girl like she is usually) with a sense of humor and a good live of adventure. GIRL POWER!

I liked this book because it gave all of the modern fairy-tales a twist and all of the characters we have all read about, and gave them all a unique personality. I love the imagination that was put into this book.

I rate it 10 Out of 10

WRITTEN BY: AN, August 28, 2014.